The interview questions in the fields of tour leader, technical managers and natural tourism

Hi dears! I interview people who take part as tour guides, technical managers, or as natural tourism. Here are the most important questions I ask the volunteers. I hope you are able to study and do well on the English test and interview in person. Come in happily and make sure to bring your identification card. If you pass this test, you will get a special card that shows you’re qualified as an international tour leader or a technical manager. That’s why it’s important to take this interview seriously. With Best Regards: Saeed Mojarradi

Here is the file in pdf:    

All Questions-Tour Guide-Technical Managers

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Instagram ID : saeedmojarradi

S Mojarradi
S Mojarradi
Studying Ph.D. in ELT | Listening To Lyric Music | Studying Novels | Retired | Loving Nature | People | Especially Paintings |

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