G.Power , A free Statistical Calculator

G*Power is a program to calculate statistical power examinations for many distinct T tests, F tests, χ2 tests, z tests and some perfect tests. G*Power can also be used to calculate effect sizes and to show graphically the results of power examinations.

In order to find the status of an ongoing action you might need to view statistics and this is simple to achieve with the help of programs. G*Power is a simple to use application specially developed for statistics aficionados and students that can grant users power analysis options for various statistical tests.
Achieve various statistics operations.

The program is very easy to use, as you just have to pick the correct test type and the desired parameters using the drop down menus. It can achieve calculations for F, t and χ2 tests, z test and some precise tests. The calculation and graph plotting is done in seconds.

There are various statistical tests that the software is compatible with, counting on the test family you choose. It can achieve regression, correlation, proportion, means, fluctuation and other tests using five distinct kinds of power analysis.

S Mojarradi
S Mojarradi
Studying Ph.D. in ELT | Listening To Lyric Music | Studying Novels | Retired | Loving Nature | People | Especially Paintings |

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