Chapter 2
Discourse analysis and grammar
Book name: Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers
Written by : Michael McCarthy
Summarized by : Saeed Mojarradi
The terms that are common in language teaching:
Clause, pronoun, adverbial, and conjunction:
We use them in familiar ways and relate them less to these items:
Theme, rhyme, reference, anaphoric,
Structuring the individual utterance, clause and sentence, structuring the larger units of discourse and creating textual coherence are inseparable
Grammatical cohesion and textually
Spoken and written discourses display grammatical connections between
Individual clauses and utterances
To classify these links:
1- Reference / co-reference 2- ellipsis l substitution 3- conjunction
Reference / co-reference
Reference (items in English include pronouns: he,, him, they, etc.)
Demonstratives (this, that, these, those)
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